Thursday, January 2, 2014

Mengharap redha ALLAH.

How many deeds few in number have become many by way of theniyyah (intention) and how many deeds great in number have been made insignificant due to a (faulty) intention.

Dalam memotivasikan diri sendiri, yang sering kepenatan menjadi ibu :D teringat nasihat tentang ikhlas...

Bahawa segala-gala ini kita lakukan kerana mengharap redha ALLAH. Ikhlas kerana ALLAH. Ikhlas untuk ALLAH.

Setelah kita berpenat lelah berpeluh berairmata, masakan kita tidak mahu ALLAh memberi syurga.. ALLAH ya ALLAH... ^_^

Jika kita penat bekerja, kerbau di sawah juga berkerja..namun moga kerja kita menjadi amal ibadah di sisi ALLAH. Itu beza manusia dan kerbau - ikhlas.

Kalau kita menyusukan anak, susukanlah kerana mengharap redha ALLAH, dan agar anak itu tumbuh menjadi insan bertaqwa. Tanpa niat penuh keikhlasan, apa bezanya kita dan kucing yang juga menyusukan anak?

Jika kita hidup berpasangan, berniatlah agar pernikahan dan rumah tangga ini menjadi ruang pengabdian kita kepada ALLAH. Menjadi isteri dan ibu yang baik dan terbaik kerana ALLAH. Melayan suami kerana ALLAH. Mendidik anak kerana ALLAH. Berniatlah untuk membantu diri sendiri, suami dan anak-anak menjadi hamba yang dekat denganNYA. 

Jika hidup sekadar berpasangan, haiwan di hutan juga hidup berpasangan. Jika mahu hidup bekeluarga, haiwan melata juga punya keluarga. Namun kita niatkan keluarga ini menjadi pewaris agama. Ikhlas itu pembeza kita.


Let us live for Allah. Let us love and like what He likes; let us dislike what He dislikes and hate what He hates. Let there be no territories carved up and no frontiers set up in serving Him. Let us passionately involve ourselves in our society to do His will, but still passionately let our hearts yearn for His pleasure. Similarly, let the life of the Prophet live again in our lives. Let his message, his conduct, his goals, be our message, our conduct, and our goals. 

So, also, let nothing motivate us but an intense longing to please our Lord in the next world, and let that expectation give a decisive shape to our life here. The hope of a meaningful future must lead us to confront the risks and overcome the tribulations that lie in living by His will in the totality of our existence. We, as Muslims, have but one option: to strive to change the world according to the model given to mankind by the Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him.


Thus, for the one with a purpose, who has a vision and understands their mission, the outlook in this world changes. This dunya (this life) becomes a place of opportunities and a place to accumulate wealth (in the form of good deeds) for the hereafter. Every trial they come across in this world becomes an opportunity to be patient and content. 

Every blessing they’re given and witness around them becomes a means of being thankful and humble. Every temptation they struggle against they see it for what it is; a mirage meant to deceive and entrap their soul. You see, they strive to keep the dunya in their hands and not their hearts. They have a mission and know the amana (trust) they are carrying—for they are living for His Sake now and they are employed by Allah (swt).


Unknown said...

thanks for sharing..jemput ke blog saya

Ummu Hanna @ Hana' said...

bicara adinda seperti biasa sentiasa meresap ke sanubari.

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