Monday, February 17, 2014

10 Tips To Become A Productive Muslimah

There is a profound statement by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah which says: ‘Women are one half of society which gives birth to the other half so it is as if they are the entire society.’
If women make up nearly all of society, shouldn’t we be striving to be productive in this life for the next? Yet we know it’s no easy task being a Muslimah today! In fact, being a sister, mother, wife, professional and more means a Muslimah in the modern day can find herself struggling to be productive, trying to juggle all the tasks on that ever-growing to-do list. Here’s the good news though: at Productive Muslim we believe in starting off with a sincere intention and working hard to reach our end goal.
So “who’s a Productive Muslimah?” I hear you asking. We believe a productive Muslimah is a woman who uses all the resources around her with a mission to live her life to excellence, ultimately working to achieve the highest stations in Jannah. Once a Muslimah in the world is armed with these tools she can achieve some great things insha Allah!

In this article we’re going to start exploring the top 10 tips to becoming a Productive Muslimah and we’ll look at the practical steps you can take to live a more productive life.

1. Have sincere intentions

At Productive Muslim we have a motto which says: ‘Have sincere intentions and work hard’. This is the motto of the life of a productive Muslimah. By beginning with sincere intentions in any of our actions, whether as a working professional by going to work with a good intention to bring about positive difference or as a busy wife or mother looking after the family, we are able to gain rewards and blessings in our actions so start off with a sincere intention always!

2. Be proactive

One of the best lessons I’ve learnt in life is that in order to be productive, we need to be proactive. This doesn’t mean in order to be productive you have to be busy; in fact, busy people may be unproductive. Instead, you must focus your energy on being active in areas which will bring about benefit to your overall life goals insha Allah. For example, one of the ways I am proactive is by attending personal and spiritual development courses and then sharing that with others through writing articles or delivering talks. We find that in the example of the historical and contemporary figures, being proactive is one of the traits of successful Muslimahs.

3. Seek knowledge

It is often said that if you ‘educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman you educate a nation’ which highlights the importance of sisters continuously seeking knowledge.
To become a productive Muslimah, seek out courses from those available online through various Islamic organisations to offline seminars and courses locally which will help to develop your knowledge. In the modern era, accessing books on Kindle and in libraries and bookshops means you can read up on almost any subject that you need to develop your knowledge in and then impart it to your children, families and wider community.

4. Plan your time effectively

One of the secrets of being productive is that you don’t waste time! One of the first things a productive Muslimah must do is plan her time effectively, this includes scheduling in time to study, work, pray and spend with family and if you have children slot in time for them and yourself so you don’t burn out. Choose wisely how you spend your time; you can use our fantastic Taskinator online to help you get started. One of the profound sayings on the benefits of utilising time well is by one of the great scholars, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah who stated: ‘If Allah wants goodness for His slave He aids him with time and makes his time a helper for him.’

5. Be self-reflective

As a proactive Muslimah, it can be difficult at times to assess how effectively you are using time and being able to fulfill all your roles. With this in mind, it is recommended you regularly take time out for self- reflection, perhaps at the end of each day you can journal what went well in your day and also be critical of how you could use your time better for the next day. Only with continual self-reflection and feedback are we able to grow, develop and become more productive insha Allah.

6. Focus on Quality over Quantity

There’s a hadith which often reminds me that as Muslims we need to strive to perfect whatever task or project we embark on; the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: ‘Allah loves that when you do anything, you do it with excellence.’ [Muslim] As a Muslimah embarking on any activity, always remind yourself that it has to be quality over quantity. It’s better to excel in one area, such as writing or being a good mother, than to do a mediocre job by focussing on too many things. A productive Muslimah always strives to excel at what she does and isn’t satisfied with mediocrity.

7. Do your best!

Some of the most inspiring stories of the wives of the Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) and many other productive Muslimahs show that they worked hard to be the best in their roles, such as Khadijah raḍyAllāhu 'anha (may Allāh be pleased with her) who was a successful business woman. As a wife or a mother, you may focus on being supportive to your husband and that small action alone can be one of the ways you are a productive wife. Giving your best to your roles and task at hand requires focus and for you to expend your energy only at the task at hand.

8. Be resourceful

Living in the information and technology era, we are a generation that have been equipped with many useful technological tools, books, networks and knowledge which we can use to be more productive and organised in our lives. You can use tools online to help manage your time, such as those in our Resources section, to develop your knowledge and learn many new skills online with courses which will make you more resourceful. Use these resources to lead a more productive life.

9. Strive to benefit others

Many of the productive Muslimahs from history to modern day have achieved great things because of their understanding of this beautiful hadith where the Prophet  ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him)  said: ‘The best of you are those who benefit mankind’. [Bukhari] Always ask yourself this question: ‘will my actions benefit others?’ This will help you to decide what action is worthwhile and help you set up initiatives as a mother, wife, professional or student to bring about benefit to those around you which will also benefit your own self.

10. Put your trust in Allah

Finally, the productive Muslimah, despite her striving and efforts, must always be mindful that success in achieving her goals will only come from Allah who says in the Quran: “Put your trust in Allah if you are believers indeed.” [Qur'an: Chapter 5, Verse 23] This focus on spiritual productivity is the secret ingredient to being successful. As a Muslimah, you must work hard, contribute to society and plan your time effectively around prayers, then place your trust in Allah by always making dua for Him to help you achieve the ultimate success in this life and the Hereafter.
So that’s the top 10 secret tips to become a productive Muslimah but by no means an exhaustive list! 
About the Author:

This article originally appeared in SISTERS Magazine, the international magazine for fabulous Muslim women co-founded and edited by Na’ima B. Robert, author of From My Sisters’ Lips. Productive Muslimah readers are entitled to full free copy of the magazine today. Click here to get your free copy of SISTERS Magazine.

 Productive Muslimah is a Muslimah who is striving for the highest station in Jannah by making the best of all the resources around her. Sister Lotifa Begum serves as Head of Productive Muslimah at She has gained a huge insight into a wide range of productivity-related issues and has delivered workshops for sisters on issues relating to time management, personal development and productivity. She is passionate about sisters excelling in their pursuit of productivity.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Wahai bakal pemangku imam...

Khusus buat penggemar 'wahai bakal imamku..'
Suatu ketika dulu saya juga pernah terbuai dengan madah ‘bakal imamku..’ dan wahai pemilik tulang rusukku..’ :D
'Wahai bakal imamku, bilakah kita akan bertemu..'
'Wahai pemilik tulang rusukku..aku akan mencintaimu kerana ALLAH'
Demikianlah antara luahan dan harapan seorang gadis biasa tatkala hati mula terdetik untuk memiliki pasangan hidup. Bukan pasangan biasa biasa yang diimpi, namun hampir semua kita berharap seorang isteri atau suami yang mampu memberi kebahagiaan, ketenangan dan tempat untuk perasaan saling berteduh.
Kini saya dah jumpa pak imam :D
Pak imam saya dan pak imam kalian sesungguhnya adalah insan biasa yang kalian beri madah—madah hebat seolah perwira sempurna hingga akhirnya rasa kecewa bila kelemahan mereka tertonjol.
Kita harus jadi realistik saudari muslimahku..!
Buka mata pada banyaknya kebaikan imam dan berlapang dada serta berhikmah menyikapi satu dua kelemahannya, kerana begitulah juga kita mahu kelemahan kita dilayani.
Tika imam itu memilihmu dulu, dia juga merasa ALLAH telah memberinya bidadari nan penyejuk mata.
Kaulah segala-galanya.
Tetapi bila ujian dan keperitan dunia menghambat, dia juga lelah dan tertekan dengan rengek manjamu yang tak kesudahan. Dia penat dengan rajuk marahmu. Dia bukan hidup hanya untuk memujuk dan menghiburkan dirimu. Dia juga mahu dipujuk dan dihiburkan.
Dia mahu bidadarinya yang mampu tampil kuat, berseri, tenang dan sabar dalam menongkah arus hidup yang tidak tahu bila berakhir. Dia mahu bidadari yang kuat membangun diri kerana bidadari itu diharap untuk membangun jemaah yang menyumbang pada ummah.
Dan baru saya mengerti bahawa kita wanita juga adalah imam..pemangku IMAM BESAR.

Mungkin kalau imam sempat bermadah, inilah coretannya buat kita bakal pemangku imam:
Wahai gadis bakal pemangku imam,
Diriku seorang imam, yang merasa beratnya memikul tanggungjawab imam. Sudikah dikau membantuku kala diperlukan, menenangkan jiwa ku kala kepayahan, menghiburkan hatiku yang kadang kegundahan, menjadi insan dewasa dan matang ketika diriku harus keluar meninggalkan dirimu bersama jemaah? Meninggalkan sikap keanak-anakan dan mengada-ngada?
Wahai bakal pemangku imam, kuatkan iman mu dan pergantunganmu dengan Tuhan.
Hanya ALLAH pemberi segala. Hanya ALLAH yang memberi bahagia. Hanya ALLAH yang boleh menghilang sepi dan sedihmu. Jika ALLAH menjadikan diriku wasilah yang membuatmu terhibur, bahagia dan hilag sepi..sama-samalah kita bersyukur kepada ALLAH...
Benarkah ingin mencintaiku kerana ALLAH..? Baguslah..jika mencintaiku kerana nafsumu, kau akan hilang bahagia kalau aku tiada, dan derita kalau aku mahu mencari pemangku imam yang lain...
Moga cinta tulus kita membawa ke syurga..bukan sekadar nampak bahagia di facebook atau di gambar jalan-jalan kita..!
Ohh sampai sini saja sebab imam tak pandai bermadah dan imam banyak kerja :D
'...Isteri adalah pemimpin dalam rumahtangga suaminya dan dia akan ditanya mengenai tanggungjawab kepimpinannya....' (Hadis Bukhari Muslim)
Isteri yang baik ialah...
“Wanita yang membahagiakan (suaminya) jika dipandang, mentaatinya jika diperintahkan dan tidak menyelisihi berkenaan dirinya dan hartanya dengan apa yang tidak disukai (oleh suami).” [Shahih Sunan al-Nasa’e, no: 3231]

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jualan Buku Poligami Online

Assalammualaikum wa rahmatullah

Stok baru buku poligami dah sampai alhamdulillah ♡ Dapatkan naskah anda atau hadiahkan kepada teman teman, saudara mara jiran tetangga yang telah dan akan berpoligami. .! 

Juga untuk semua yang mahu meluaskan kefahaman tentang poligami dan hal hal yang berkaitannya. .!


Tajuk "202 Pelajaran Berkenaan Poligami"

Harga RM 19. Selepas diskaun = RM 16. 

Postage RM 6 Semenanjung.
RM 9 Sabah/Sarawak (Sebuah buku). Penghantaran setiap hari Selasa & Khamis. 

Cara pembelian:

1. Bayar ( Bank in) ke akaun CIMB Nurul Adni Adnan No akaun: 1277 0002188 208. 

2. Mesej kepada  013-3776878 (Puan Nurul) atau PM fb Nurul Adni Adnan - nama penuh, alamat, no telefon, bilangan buku dan resit bayaran.

Poligami: Sebelum Bercerai

#tipspoligami Poligami sangat berat untuk isteri hingga tidak sedikit yang melihat perceraian sebagai jalan keluar dari segala sakit h...