Monday, April 6, 2015

Positive Parenting : Handling Emotion

Positive Parenting: Toddlers and Beyond
"So often, children are punished for being human. Children are not allowed to have grumpy moods or bad days. We expect them to be in complete control of their emotional reactions at all times, yet how many of us can do this?
Have you never yelled or slammed a door in anger? Have you never snapped at your child or spouse after a stressful day? Have you never given a hateful glare or complained about everyday frustrations?
If you have never done those things, then you are certainly entitled to expect your child to be a perfect human, but for the rest of us, for all of us who sometimes slip up, we need to offer the same understanding and grace we hope is afforded to us. We all have hard days. Bad days don't make us bad people. None of us are perfect, and we shouldn't hold our children to a standard of perfection that we ourselves cannot attain.
This is not to say, of course, that you do not correct a disrespectful remark or a sour mood that is disrupting the peace of the home.
 It is our job to teach our children what is appropriate. Teach them that it's not okay to project a bad mood on those around them. Teach them how to handle frustration, anger, fear, sadness, and disappointment. Teach them that it's not acceptable to be rude to people. High standards are good.
Hold them to a high standard! But please, hold yourself to one, too. Don't project your bad moods. Learn how to handle your frustration, anger, fear, sadness, and disappointment. Don't be rude to them. Set the example. We all need high standards, and do you know what else we all need?
A little grace."

Poligami dan Sandaran Hati

Seorang isteri meluahkan perasaannya yang masih tak stabil setelah beberapa bulan suami bernikah lagi. Kadang ok, kadang tak ok. Kadang gembira dengan suami dan madu, kadang rasa bergelodak jiwa dan ingin pergi dari semua ini..
heart emoticon Sesungguhnya hati kita ini hanya akan stabil bila disandarkan pada Zat yang Maha Teguh lagi Kuat iaitu Allah.. benda apapun dalam dunia ini lemah dan rapuh, Allah saja yang kekal kuat dan stabil.
Peringatan untuk saya dan kalian, Kalau hati dan perasaan ini bersandar pada suami atau pada cinta manusia yang sama lemahnya macam kita -hati kita pun akan terumbang ambing. Fokuskan cinta untuk Allah. Serahkan jiwa sepenuhnya untuk Allah insyaAllah jiwa yang turun naik akan stabil..
tapi apapun memang sifat hati berbolak balik..hanya saja, bila kita kenal dan tahu Hebatnya kasih Allah, ada tempat untuk kita kuatkan hati heart emoticon
Suami pun akan rasa tak stabil dan tak bahagia kalau kebahagiaan dalam poligami disandarkan kepada perasaan isteri isteri. Suami akan mampu kuat memimpin bahtera poligami tika meletakkan fokus dan usaha untuk menjadi hamba mukmin di mata Allah, bukan untuk nampak hebat di mata manusia apatah lagi untuk penuhkan kemahuan dan nafsu sendiri dan nafsu isteri yang tiada sudahnya...

Poligami: Sebelum Bercerai

#tipspoligami Poligami sangat berat untuk isteri hingga tidak sedikit yang melihat perceraian sebagai jalan keluar dari segala sakit h...